Free Water
Rocket and
Launcher Plans

Get your free detail plans for a water rocket with fin templates, and a launch tube type launcher with a Clark cable tie release complete with parts list, and detailed step-by-step instructions anyone can follow. Instructions for downloading will be emailed immediately after submitting the form below.


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After submitting your name and email address, you will receive a confirmation email. You must respond to the email to verify that the email is correct and valid and to confirm that it is you requesting the information. After confirming your email, you will receive a second email with download instructions for the information you are requesting. We will only keep your email address to let you know when the complete manual is available an rarely if ever any other emails from us.

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Once you have downloaded and looked over the free instructions, why not visit my blog and let me know what you think...

Click here to go to my blog.

Also, if you haven't already, visit my amateur rocketry website here where you can learn how to build your own rocket motor from PVC pipe with sugar and potassium nitrate KNO3) propellant called caramel candy propellant or rcandy (for rocket candy).

Contact me



Postal Address:  Water Rocket Manual

             PO Box 327
                        Moxee, WA 98936