Free Water Rocket and Launcher Plans

Get your free detail plans for a water rocket with fin templates, and a launch tube type launcher with a Clark cable tie release complete with parts list, and detailed step-by-step instructions anyone can follow.

Add your name and email to the form at the bottom of the home page and hit "Submit." Click on the confirm link in the email you get (so we know you ordered it and not a scammer or bot) and we will then immediately send you the link to download your PDF file instructions, all 42 pages.

The final writing of the full book is nearing completion. We'll send you an email when it is available. Some of the chapters in the full book are:
• Building Techniques
• Advanced Building Techniques
• Recovery
• Ejection Techniques
• Designing Rockets

If you haven't already, visit my amateur rocketry website here where you can learn how to build your own rocket motor from PVC pipe with sugar and potassium nitrate KNO3) propellant called caramel candy propellant or rcandy (for rocket candy).


NAR Water Rocket Safety Code

Revision J - 16 December 2002

1.  Definitions.  For the purposes of this safety code, a ‘Water Rocket’ is defined as any rocket whose thrust is generated by expansion of a compressed, non-combustible gas.  An inert fluid such as water may be used for thrust augmentation.

2.  Scope.  This code applies to water rockets having a pressure chamber volume greater than 1200ml or a launch pressure exceeding 35 psi.

3.  Materials.  The pressure chamber of the rocket shall be constructed of thin, ductile plastic.  Only lightweight, non-metal parts shall be used for the nose, body, and fins.

4.  Compressed Gas Safety.  A safe distance shall be maintained at all times between persons and pressurized water rockets or launchers.  The recommended safe distance is as follows:


Launch Pressure With Eye Protection Without Eye Protection
Up to 60 psi 10’ 20’
Above 60 psi 20’ 40’

5.  Pressurization System.  Compressed air tanks and gas cylinders shall be stored and transported in accordance with all applicable safety codes.  Line fittings near the operator shall be rated by the manufacturer for use with compressed gas at the intended pressure.

6.  Launcher.  The launcher shall hold the rocket to within 30 degrees of vertical to ensure that it flies nearly straight up.  It shall provide a stable support against wind and any triggering forces, and allow the rocket to be pressurized and depressurized from a safe distance.  Launchers shall be constructed from materials rated for at least 3 times the intended launch pressure.
7.  Launch Safety.  I will use a countdown prior to launch to ensure that spectators are paying attention and are a safe distance away.  If my rocket does not launch when triggered, I will not allow anyone to approach it until it has been depressurized.

8.  Size.  A water rocket whose mass (excluding water) exceeds 453 grams (1 lb) shall be considered a “Large Model Rocket” for the purpose of compliance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations.

9.  Flight Safety.  Water rockets shall not be directed at targets, into clouds, or near airplanes.  Flammable or explosive payloads shall not be carried.

10.  Launch Site.  Water rockets shall be launched outdoors, in an open area at least 100 feet on a side (for rockets with using a launch pressure of 60 psi or less), or 500 feet on a side (for rockets using higher pressure).
11.  Recovery System.  A recovery system such as a streamer, parachute, or tumble recovery shall be used, with the intent to return it safely to earth without damage.

12.  Recovery Safety.  Recovery shall not be attempted from power lines, tall trees, or other dangerous places.

updated 15-AUG-2007